The Personal Site of Dan Masters

WordPress 2.8 Release – Looking Good

wp-logoLast night WordPress 2.8 was released and I updated the website to check it out.

The installation went without a hitch through the automatic upgrade process and from what I can tell nothing broke on my site. notes that the new items that were apart of this release were:

  • New drag-and-drop widgets admin interface and new widgets API
  • Syntax highlighting and function lookup built into plugin and theme editors
  • Browse the theme directory and install themes from the admin
  • Allow the dashboard widgets to be arranged in up to four columns
  • Allow configuring the number of items to show on management pages with an option in Screen Options
  • Support timezones and automatic daylight savings time adjustment
  • Support IIS 7.0 URL Rewrite Module
  • Faster loading of admin pages via script compression and concatenation

It looks like most of the changes in this release have to do with the setup and administration of a WordPress site so things that you do day-to-day should not be impacted.

Here is a quick video WordPress released in regard to version 2.8:

In Other WordPress News…

I am excited to hear that WordPress and WordPress MU (Multi User) are set to be merged. This has the potential to be very cool especially for folks like me that have several blogs but have them all in separate installs. We will have to see when the merged version comes out whether it will be worth it (or even possible) to consolidate all of my blogs together.

Cograts to the WordPress team on another great release!