The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Windows Live Writer = Love / Hate

Microsoft, you either love them or hate them or both. For me it is both.

They create Windows Live Writer which is one of the best Desktop Blog Editors that I have used but they have terrible support for it.

The issues that I am having is that I cannot upload images via xmlrpc due to some change either at the level or the WLR level.

The terrible support stems from the fact that I cannot find a search box anywhere in the forum for Windows Live Writer. What kind of forum is this? I mean it is probably just user error (me) but the usability of the forum just sucks.

Anyway the biggest thing that I love about WLR is the way that it handles images except with

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3 responses to “Windows Live Writer = Love / Hate”

  1. Mike Munroe Avatar
    Mike Munroe

    Hey Dan,

    Sorry to hear you’re having issues publishes images to WordPress from Windows Live Writer.

    I’m a tester on the Windows Live Writer team. I should apologize for the forum as well. It does not have a search box. It’s as painful for us as it is for you. We want to get a better forum for support in the future, but that’s the best we can do for now.

    You should have my email address because I had to enter it to make a comment. Please email me directly with some more specific information on the exact problem you are having uploading images to WordPress and I will look into it, then get back to you with what I found and workarounds, fixes, etc.

    Mike Munroe
    Windows Live Writer team

  2. Dan Avatar


    Thanks for the comment. I am really glad to see that you guys are out there trying to see how people are using WLR. It honestly restores more confidence in using it.

    I will shooting you an email shortly.

  3. […] I have received a response to my post – Windows Live Writer = Love / Hate – where I talked about the issues that I as having uploading images via xmlrpc to […]