The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Test Post From Qumana Bog Editor – Mac

My SonI had reviewed Qumana quite some time ago on Windows and wasn’t quite impressed because of some bugs that I experienced at the time. Since I have been jonesing for Windows Live Writer lately I thought that I would give Qumana a shot on the MacBook.

I have to say that the initial experience has been more of a positive one them I remember. Qumana downloaded quickly and after the unzip I dropped in my applications folder. From there opening Qumana prompted me to enter my blog info which automatically detected my WordPress blog and downloaded my most recent posts.

From there I started this post. The first thing I noticed was their "Posted by Quamana" message in the bottom right hand corner. A quick trip to the preferences window allowed me to remove that. While I was there I noticed a check box to check spelling inline – nice – I activated it.

Next, the image test – the best that I have come across so far for Mac. Qumana allowed me to browse to an image, resize it, upload, and apply spacing to it – all without having to go to the HTML source. Also, once you have done al of this if you do not like the size of the photo you can right click on it and edit all of the same items – double nice!

Great job Qumana!

I am totally stoked. I have now officially found a Blog Desktop Editor that works really well in Mac. I will have to retest it in Windows to see if it works as well there.

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