The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Tag: iPhone

  • iPhone 3GS – I Got MY New Baby

    I was going to wait until my birthday in July but the wife gave the go ahead to get my new Iphone 3GS this morning – so I did. I was fortunate to get to the AT&T store near me when I did because the place had a constant stream…

  • iPhone Firmware 3.0 Installed and I’m Liking It

    It took a few hours but I finally got through to the authentication servers to update my iPhone to the 3.0 firmware. The process took about 15 minutes total and went without a hitch. The first thing that I noticed when starting up was the new Voice Memos icon on…

  • Fail: iPhone 3.0 Activation Servers Down 🙁

    I was super excited to see that the iPhone 3.0 software was out so I ran home to update my phone. The download happened nice and fast which was cool but when I actually tried to install the update this is what I got: Bum deal. I guess this is…

  • Playing With the WordPress iPhone 1.2 App

    WordPress has released their 1.2 version of their iPhone app. Noteable items that this update includes are: – Landscape Mode – New/editing pages – Comment moderation – Image resizing – Password protect posts I am using it to do this post and it seems to be working pretty well. Good…

  • New Blogging Tool – Evernote on My iPhone

    I have discovered a new tool that I hope will help me to start blogging more – Evernote on my iPhone. This application is not directly related to blogging but it is a note taking program that fits in my pocket so it is with me all the time. Evernote…

  • Images are Working Properly Now

    Another update here at the website is that I fixed the issue that I had with images being uploaded and displayed properly. I did not have the “Full URL path to filed” set. It says that this an optional setting and it worked before but I guess it wanted…

  • WordPress Releases Blogging Client for the iPhone

    Hot off the press – WordPress has released their blogging client for the iPhone. In fact I am typing this post on my iPhone right now. I have been waiting for this since the iPhone 2.0 firmware release when Typepad released their blogging client. I downloaded it but never used…