The Personal Site of Dan Masters

New Blogging Tool – Evernote on My iPhone

image I have discovered a new tool that I hope will help me to start blogging more – Evernote on my iPhone. This application is not directly related to blogging but it is a note taking program that fits in my pocket so it is with me all the time. Evernote has the ability to take text, photo, and voice notes and is a free application on the iPhone.

The issue that I have had for a while now with blogging is that I do not have as much spare time as I used to blog. When I do have some time I sit in front of my computer and thing – Um, what am I going to blog about? After a while I end up only getting a post or two out or at worst  none at all.

With Evernote anytime I feel inspired I can pull my iPhone out of my pocket, record a quick voice note. let it sync, wirelessly with Evernote’s servers and then I am done. Once my voice note is uploaded to Evernote’s servers it then gets downloaded to my computer when I open the Windows or Mac application on any one of my computers.

The night that I put  2 and 2 together and figured this out I sat down and recorded 6 blog posts in under 1/2 hour. In fact this post is one of the posts that I recorded that night. The only way that it could be any easier would be if Evernote could transcribe my voice note for me then I would not even need to type the whole thing (wishful thinking, I know).

I am really hoping that this new discovery will help in me blogging more frequently.


9 responses to “New Blogging Tool – Evernote on My iPhone”

  1. David Mullins Avatar
    David Mullins

    Although it’s not longer a free service, you might consider using with Evernote, by having your Evernote email address as one of your contacts. You could only record in bursts, and I often have to edit the transcriptions when I use them, but considering you cna merge notes in EN, it might get you your dream system. Just a thought.

  2. Dan Avatar

    @ David,

    I did look into trying to do that but the Jott iPhone app only records 15 seconds of audio. I happen to be pretty long winded so 15 seconds would probably be long enough for the title and possibly the first sentence. If they would increase that then I think it would definitely be a viable solution which would be worth paying for.

  3. […] seems that my post about using Evernote as a tool for blogging has caused a little stir in the Evernote community. Yesterday I started getting emails from folks […]

  4. Jon Avatar

    Just tried out the voice record feature on Evernote for the iPhone. Really cool idea for those of us who are guilty of not keeping our blogs updated.

  5. John I Avatar
    John I

    Hmmmm. Have you tried ReQall? It’s free and transcribes your voice notes for you. Give it a whirl.

  6. Richie Avatar

    Looks like iPhone is now becoming the all in one blogging tool. I don’t have an iPhone yet so I just use the Notepad of my cell phone to jot down notes when I am away from the computer.

  7. Brian Dusablon Avatar

    Evernote is awesome – I’ve been much better about remembering things now that I have a central location for notes, blog ideas, recipes, etc.

  8. Martin Johansson Avatar
    Martin Johansson

    You might consider MacSpeech to transcribe your notes on the desktop

    +1 for the awesomeness of Evernote