The Personal Site of Dan Masters

My New Best Friend – CurvyCorners

If you have been doing web design for any period of time you have run up against the classic question – How do I make rounded corners without images for the website I am working on? There have been a lot of hacks out there and they all have their pluses and minuses.

With CSS3 Mozilla and the Webkit bunch all do rounded corners in straight CSS which is lovely. Unfortunately IE is still asleep at the wheel and won’t support rounded corners natively until IE9.That means it will be years until you won’t have to worry about IE 7 & 8.

Fortunately the guys at CurvyCorners has come up with a script to address it.

Literally all you do is upload the script to your server, give the appropriate CSS markup for rounded corners for Mozilla and Webkit, and that’s it. You don’t do anything for IE. It even gives rounded corners to IE6!


Below id a screenshot of the project that I used CurvyCorners on.