The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Mobile Admin Plugin for WordPress is Awsome

It finally happened. Someone came out with a plugin so that you can comfortably blog from your iPhone. Jared Bangs and Dan Cameron put the work in and now I can finally blog from anywhere.

With the plugin I can assign categories, manage comments and a whole bunch of other things also. There are only 2 things that it does not do which I wish that it did. One is that I was I could insert links and two is that I wish I could insert pictures.

Oh well, this is version 1.0 so hopefully they can trick the iPhone into


2 responses to “Mobile Admin Plugin for WordPress is Awsome”

  1. sherlockphones Avatar

    I’ve gotten used to blogging on my cell phone by email but I will definitely have to review this plugin. Thanks.

  2. richg Avatar


    I was wondering if you still used this plugin? I’ve written a new mobile plugin for wordpress that I’m hoping you’ll find even better than the one you mentioned above!

    Mine is called WordPress Mobile Admin and you can download it from here:

    It has support for all phones, not just high-end handsets and you can write posts, create pages and moderate and respond to comments.

    If you want to check it out, it’d be great to hear what you think of it!