The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Jodo Host – The Difference is Night and Day

I really have to give the guys at Jodo Host props for their Technical Support.

I switched this site and my site last week to their hosting and everything was fine. But then yesterday it was taking forever for pages to load if they would load at all.

I opened a ticket and Jodo looked into it from their end – pages were loading nice and quick. I tried from my work and my house and the same thing – slow pages.

To make the story short, they worked with me via their on-line chat for over 2 hours to nail it down. It came down to a DNS issue that I messed up – my fault not theirs.

This is so different then VIP Hosting that it is just unbelievable. I had to fight with VIP for 2 weeks over a similar issues before it was resolved.

Way to go Jodo!

Technorati : , , ,


One response to “Jodo Host – The Difference is Night and Day”

  1. Dan Avatar

    I had to switch to JodoHost as well. They are great, I am currently in the process of moving 100 plus clients becuase of those fools at VIP Hosting. They bought Reseller-Center from someone and I went with it, down in a burning ship. VIP Hosting actually yelled at me once. Then if you complain they tell you to leave and that they are closing your account at the end of the month. With 100 plus clients? That is not good business. That is why I cannot even link to my site, or they would find me, the walls have ears. Jodo Host is good!