The Personal Site of Dan Masters

iPhone 3GS – I Got MY New Baby

iphone-3gs-video-cameraI was going to wait until my birthday in July but the wife gave the go ahead to get my new Iphone 3GS this morning – so I did. I was fortunate to get to the AT&T store near me when I did because the place had a constant stream of people and there were only around 10 iPhones left when I got mine. I had called all the nearby Best Buy’s but they were all out.

The main reason for getting the new iPhone 3GS was the video camera. A while back I had Jailbroken my iPhone 3G and installed the iPhone Video Recorder on it but at 15 frames per second it was not that usable. I really wanted something that I could keep in my pocket so I could capture cool things that the kids were doing. I had considered getting a Flip camera but that was just another thing I would have to lug around with me.

One thing that pushed me to buy today was that I took a look at some of the videos that people had uploaded from their 3GS phones this morning. The quality was better then I expected especially for outdoor videos. Indoor quality still leaves something to be desired but it does on every camera.

I ended up with the 32GB version since the 16GB ones were sold out. What I feel that I get for $100 is the ability to put my entire 10GB+ iPhone library on my phone which I think is pretty cool. That leaves room for a ton of apps and several movies.

I will be playing with the video camera over the next few days and post some videos.