The Personal Site of Dan Masters back on Google – kind of

In my last post – disappears from Google – I started out by saying that I was not going to freak out too much – but I kind of did.

As I did more research I found this post over at WebProWorld that was talking about an update that Google did a couple of months ago that knocked out several people’s sites.

I even got a comment from Martin Galloway where his site also completely disappeared. The difference between Martin’s site and this one is that he relies on revenue from his site and I do not.

So this freaking out had me checking at every opportunity to see if my site was back up.

Well I checked this morning before I went to work and it still was not there. I checked again while taking a break and low and behold – My index page is listed. again

It is my old index page from April 1st but it is my newer page non the less. Non of my other new pages are listed yet but I am guessing that I should see those pages show up soon.

I think it is going to take some time for Google adjusted to the interval of updates that get posted to this site now so I will probably see some irregularity until then.

This bring me to a conclusion –

As cool as SEO can be, you are really still at the mercy of the search engine algorithm. There are no guarantees for position or even success.

That is where paid search engine marketing comes into play.

While there are still no guarantees you do have more control over the variables that contribute to your marketing success.

More updates to come as gets re-established on Google.

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