The Personal Site of Dan Masters

FREE Music from Spiral Frog – Maybe I Won’t Sell My Sansa MP3 Player After All

spiralfrog_logo While browsing this morning I came across a post about Spiral Frog and how you can download free – ad supported – music from then. I decided to give it a try.

Signing up was simple and true enough – it is completely free. I searched for Hey There Dahlia and found it and downloaded it. Amazingly enough I was able to play it on my computer.

Looking at the FAQ’s it says that you can transfer the music over to 2 different MP3 Player that support the Play for Sure protocol. There is no Mac or iPod/iPhone support. 

Since I just got an iPhone you would think this would be a big deal but it isn’t. See I still have my Sandisk Sansa e250 that I have had up on Craig’s list for a month that nobody has bought. That sucker is all about Play for Sure so it will work with these tracks.

The only issue I see (other then no Mac support) is that the site seems to be getting slammed right now because a lot of the pages are coming up 404 – Page not found. Oh well I am patient – especially for free music!

UPDATE: I found what is an apparent work-around for all of the 404 messages – go to the songs portion for the artist and then download each song individually. I know it sucks but it is free.

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