The Personal Site of Dan Masters

FAlbum Recent Pictures in Side Bar

I recently got an e-mail requesting how I got the recent photos in my side bar on my The Masters Family blog. This was done with using the FAlbum WordPress Plug-in By Elijah Cornell. I really dig this plug-in and subsequently it is responsible for me having 3 separate Flickr accounts of which 2 are Pro accounts.

Let me start by saying I know why I got the e-mail. This plug-in can be a real bear to get going.

I will start with the basics of of getting the plug-in installed and then move on to the side bar.

FAlbum Installation –

  • Download the plug-in from
  • Upload it to your plug-ins directory
  • Login to you WordPress Blog
  • Click on the Plug-ins tab
  • Activate the FAlbum Plug-in
  • Once activated click on the Options > FAlbum tab
  • Click the link labeled – Step 1: Authorize FAlbum with access your Flickr account
  • This will open a new browser window that will prompt you to enter your Flickr account info.
  • Enter you Flickr username and password
  • Close the Flickr window and return to your WordPress Admin Section window
  • Click the button labeled Step 2: Get Authentication Token – After this clicked the Falbum options will appear below
  • These are the options that you need to set –
    • Enable globally: True
    • Thumbnail Size – 75px x 75px
    • Display Drop Shadows: True
    • * Use Friendly URL’s: Title
    • * URL Root: /photos/
  • Click the “Update Options” button at the bottom.
  • Click on Mange > Pages > Create new page
  • For the page title type – Photos (this depends on you Permalink structure, see above note)
  • Click the “Create new page link”
  • Click on – View Site
  • You should have a new page named “Photos”. click on the link and you should see you Flickr photo sets.

FAlbum Photos in Sidebar

  • Open the sidebar.php file of your theme in a text editor.
  • Place the following code where you would like the 4 most recent pictures to appear –
  • <?php global $falbum; ?>
    <h2><em>Recent Photos</em></h2>
    <?php echo $falbum->show_recent(4,1,'s');?>
    <a xhref="<?php echo $falbum->create_url("show/recent"); ?>" title="View all recent photos">Recent Photos</a>
  • Save the file and upload it to the correct theme folder
  • Note – you may need to adjust the formating depending on your theme. The above code uses the sidebar formatting for the Blix theme that is used in my The Masters Family and The Masters House web sites.

Final Notes – The above install instructions are for version 0.6.4 of the FAlbum plug-in. Also, you can download the Blix theme that I use on site which includes the sidebar modifications.

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10 responses to “FAlbum Recent Pictures in Side Bar”

  1. Guillaume Avatar


    Yeh it looks very cool when it works but it’s a mess to set up

    So I went thru your steps:

    I chose the same theme as yours
    I edited the sidebar.php and saved it
    and…I got an error:

    Then I was not aware we had to create a page for the friendly url…anyhow the sets do appear on the /photos url but clicking on the thubnails give me an error…

  2. Guillaume Avatar

    Your download also returns an error for me

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: optimal_title() in /home/guillau/public_html/photos/wp-content/themes/Blix-With-FAlbum/header.php on line 6

    Al this is making is making me sooooo sad!!!

    no really mynerves are cracking up !! 🙂

  3. Dan Avatar

    Sorry! I had a plugin call for the Optimal title plugin on that theme.

    It is removed now so you can re-download it.

  4. Dan Avatar

    Another thing seems to be that you have the address for your blog (under Options – General) to be –

    This is not correct. You would need it to be just –

    Finally, you need to setup those permalinks to use the directions that I published.

  5. Haydn Avatar

    Hi. I have been reading about falbum for hours on end and still, I only managed to have thumbnails displayed when I type in the address on the browser. Clicking on the photos page doesn’t do squat.

    I don’t even think I know how to set friendly urls anymore. I hope you can help me.

  6. Haydn Bagtas Avatar

    Hi. I have been reading on how to use falbum on my blog for 3 days now but to no avail. I can’t seem to make it work for friendly urls.

    If I try using the default mode, the photo sets come up when I type in the long url (/haydn/wp-content/plugins/falbum/wp/album.php). If this is fine, how do I create a page for it and how do I install it on the sidebar?

    Your help is mch appreciated.

  7. Dan Avatar

    @ Haydn,

    My best advise would be to download the theme that I have above and then learn how it works.

    I will admit that this is not an easy bear to tame but once you do it is great.

    Another solution would be to use Flickr Photo Album for WordPress by tan tan noodles. I think his is more simple to setup.

  8. Haydn Bagtas Avatar

    Hi! I finally got the photo page working, but unfortunately I still can’t figure out how to put recent photos in the sidebar, I tried the solutions on your site and on the falbum forum but still nothing.

    I also encountered some problems regarding the positioning of the photos as well as with the color of the text. Please visit my site and see for yourself… you might be able to figure it out 🙂

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