The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: WordPress

  • Over 2000 Downloads of the Beach House WordPress Theme

    WOW! I had checked the last part of last week to see how many downloads the Beach House WordPress Theme had gotten and it was at 1991. I checked back today it it blew past the 2000 download mark. At writing it is at 2093. I just wanted to say…

  • The Sunflower WordPress Theme

    I have released a new theme that is similar to my Beach House theme. It is called The Sunflower theme and can be downloaded over at it’s own sub domain at my Round Rock Web Design web site – The inspiration for this theme was my wife who really…

  • WordPress Announces WordCamp Event

    Woke up this morning to the announcement that WordPress is going to be hosting an event called WordCamp. The event is an opportunity for WordPress users to get together to discuss use and the future of WordPress. Sounds like a cool event if you are in the San Fransisco area…

  • Beach House WordPress Theme Nears 1000th Download

    At the writing of this post my Beach House WordPress theme has been downloaded 948 times in just under 3 weeks. That is cool! I have gotten a few e-mails here and there with positive feedback concerning the theme. I just wanted to thank everyone for their feedback and mention…

  • New Theme Viewer

    A new official theme viewer has been launched by the WordPress gang. I like the layout and the ability to upload themes directly (I uploaded my Beach House Theme) but the site seems a little slow (maybe because it is so new). Another thing that is new is that you…

  • Official Response From Godaddy about Hosting WordPress

    I figured since I get a lot of traffic from people trying to figure out if Godaddy Hosting can run WordPress without any hitches. I know it is also somewhat of a mystery which plan you need to have in order for it to run properly. Therefore I decided to…

  • Importing and Exporting from WordPress – WPexport Plugin

    As mentioned in my previous post I had exported from a blog and imported to a self hosted WordPress setup. The process was really easy and to be honest I was surprised. In looking around to see if you could do an import/export from 2 standard WordPress installs I…

  • Beach House WordPress Theme

    I had designed a simple Beach House WordPress Theme for my uncle’s condo that he was renting. The condo went away and so did the web site so I have decided to share it. The theme is called Beach House. It can be viewed and downloaded here. Technorati : Beach…

  • WordPress 2.03 Update Focuses on Performance

    I must have been asleep for the last week because an update to WordPress was released and I did not see it until yesterday. In looking at the release notes it seems that a lot of the changes had to do with performance. I have installed it here at idano…