The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: Windows

  • OnLive Desktop iPad App Puts Windows 7 in Your Hands Via the Cloud

    This one is filed – what will they think of next. It is now possible to have a fully functional copies of Windows 7 and Office 2010 running on your iPad. Not only that, it’s free! Streaming via the cloud is nothing new to OnLive as they have been streaming…

  • Blogging on My Mac with Windows 7 and Live Writer

    So I have taken to doing more blogging lately after a very long hiatus. As apart of my step back into blogging I did another search for desktop blogging applications that would work on the Mac as well as Windows Live Writer works on Windows. Unfortunately IMO there is still…

  • Blogging From Windows 7 in Parallels on the Mac

    This morning I was doing a fresh install of Windows XP in Parallels on my new MacBook and decided to go ahead and try to install Windows 7 on my iMac at the same time. At the time of writing this I have finished the install of Windows 7 but…

  • New Respect for Windows Vista

    My brother-in-law text me yesterday asking if I could come by his house and take a look at his computer since it was acting up again. I went by his house and both DVD drives had died on his 6 year old Sony Vaio desktop. I convinced him to go…

  • I Dumped My Dell with Vista for a Mac Mini

    It is official. I have replaced my Dell Dimension that is sporting the latest and greatest OS from Microsoft (Vista) for a Mac. As you may know I have been using a MacBook at work for the last 2 months and have really liked it. I was messing around with…

  • The More I Use OS X, The More I Hate Vista

    God, I think I am becoming a fanboy. But it is true, I prefer OS X over Windows Vista ssssssoooooo much. Why? Because it work without all the little stupid stuff that windows does. Here are a couple of the big things that I have noticed: First, on my windows…

  • After a Week of Vista – I’m Switching Back

    I was pumped. I was excited. I went out and bought a new TV tuner card to take advantage of the Media Center in Vista. After a week of researching out why the video was poor quality, why it would not play AVI files that I made in XP, and…

  • Switching to Windows Vista

    So I am making the plunge to switch to the new Windows Vista. It is not such and new thing for me though. I have been playing with it since it was in beta 1. But now I am dual booting with Windows XP as I test it out for…

  • A Good Windows Vista Beta 2 Review

    In contrast to my post – The Worst Review that I Have Ever Read – Gizmodo has semi redeemed themselves be referencing a Windows Vista 2 Beta that is worth reading. This review is very good in reviewing the individual features that are new to Vista and their performance. Let’s…