The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: Web Site News

  • A Late Chrsitmas Present – Page Rank 6!

    Well it seems that Google is handing out Christmas presents a little late this year but better later then never! The Christmas present in question is the move from pagerank 4 to 6 for this site. Sweet. I did a quick check of several of my other sites and all…

  • Windows Live Writer = Love / Hate

    Microsoft, you either love them or hate them or both. For me it is both. They create Windows Live Writer which is one of the best Desktop Blog Editors that I have used but they have terrible support for it. The issues that I am having is that I cannot…

  • Changes are Coming to This Site

    So as you may have noticed I really do not blog here very much. The main reason for that is that I am really not into Web Design that much any more. This mostly has to do with what I do for a living now. I still blog and am…

  • Windows Live Writer Test Post

    I saw today that Microsoft released Windows Live Writer which is a new free Desktop Blog Editor. Off the bat I have to say I like it and this is why. It has different views that are available which are – Normal Web Layout Web Preview HTML Code My favorite…

  • OK, So I Can’t Make Up My Mind

    OK, this is the last switch – I promise – at least for this month, maybe year. I am taking this site back to topics concerning Web Design, Blogging, and SEO. Try not to get too frustrated with me. This site never really had any definition to begin with, it…

  • This is My Blog – Not Yours

    This is my Blog – Not Yours – or something like that. That remark isn’t to anyone in particular except maybe WordPress. As you may know WordPress took over my blog in this post – Getting into my Niche – Blogging with WordPress. As cool as that sounded after about…

  • Getting into my Niche – Blogging with WordPress

    Well after the second full month of blogging here at I have decided to slide into my niche and make it official. This blog will now specifically be about blogging with WordPress. That seems to be all I talk about anyway. Also, that seems to be what people want…

  • Web Site Statistics for June 2006

    You love me, you really love me! No really, you do. Well actually you love WordPress and Godaddy, at least that is what my AWStats is telling me. In the month of may “WordPress Godaddy” was the most popular search phrase that lead you to either the How to setup…

  • Personal Update – My Son was Born

    Hey there everyone. I just wanted to drop a note here since I have not written in a couple days and since it will probably be a few more days since I write again. The reason for my lack of posting is that my son – Dan Jr. – was…