The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: Web Site News

  • I Have Removed Digg From my Google Reader

    Google Reader just refuses to render pages from Digg  correctly so I have had to remove it from my subscription list. The Mobile version of Digg work just fine. It really bums me that this has gone unnoticed by Google for so long. I like using Google reader for Digg…

  • is Now iPhone Friendly

    I have installed the iWPhone plugin on this site which will automatically reformat this blog for the iPhone. So now you can load up quickly and formatted properly. Technorati tags: iPhone, iWPhone, WordPress Plugins, WordPress, Blog Tools, Blogging

  • FREE Music from Spiral Frog – Maybe I Won’t Sell My Sansa MP3 Player After All

    While browsing this morning I came across a post about Spiral Frog and how you can download free – ad supported – music from then. I decided to give it a try. Signing up was simple and true enough – it is completely free. I searched for Hey There…

  • Page Rank 6 – What Can I Do With It?

    So here I am with this blog that has a smokin’ Page Rank 6 from Google. I know, I know, people say that page rank does not mean anything. OK, OK, sure buddy, all I know is that I get more money from Text Link Ads for page rank 6…

  • Mini Bell Hughes 300 Helicopter Review – Moved

    I have decided to move this review to a new site that I have created – Micro RC Reviews. It is the same review that I has here so you won’t be missing anything by going over there. Check it out! Technorati tags: Mini Hughes 300 Helicopter, Mini Dragonfly Helicopter,…

  • Another Change in Focus for – I Really Don’t Know

    This poor blog. It really does not have a home (subject). It started as my personal site back in the days before I had kids and then became a family blog. The family blog got pushed to its own domain so this became homeless again. From there I was all…

  • A Turn in Direction for this Blog

    After about 6-9 months of going back and forth about what this blog was going to be about I have finally come up with a category that I feel can bring this blog back to life again. That theme is making money from blogging – for the small guy. See…

  • Fixed My Feed

    Sorry about that, I did not realize that my feed was broken there. I have done some tweaking and it should be working now.

  • Web Host Blogger is Stealing My Content

    I thought that your should know that Web Host Blogger ( is stealing my content. I found out this morning as I just a click though to my site from them and found 4 posts from them on their front page. Since it seems that they are doing this via…