The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: Web Site News

  • My Son’s and My Experience with the Vielight Neuro Duo

    My Son’s and My Experience with the Vielight Neuro Duo

    My Son’s Experience My autistic son at age 16 began increasing in behavior and aggression issues with hitting us and banging his head until he bled. Over the course of 1 1/2 years we tried medication changes and ABA therapy. Each change would seem to work for 3-6 weeks but…

  • I’m Back Baby!

    I’m Back Baby!

    Well, it’s been a minute – more like 6 1/2 years – BUT I’M BACK!!! It’s been so long of a minute that a ‘blog’ really isn’t much of a thing anymore. Well, I’ve evolved to some other interests like flying drones and editing the video. If anything this is…

  • This Poor Neglected, Abandoned, 11 Year Old Website

    It’s hard to believe that the WordPress version of is over 10 years old now. It’s true, I have been blogging here since good old 2006 although I haven’t really done anything here in the last few years. I am not sure what the future has in store for…

  • Jetpack 1.7 Custom CSS = Awesome+++

    Wow. This is awesome. Automattic, creators of WordPress and their ultra cool Jetpack plugin, have added custom CSS to the already extensive array of features. The reason why this is such a big deal to me is because this make customizing your current theme really easy. Back in the day…

  • The Easy Way to Integrate WordPress and bbPress

    I had tried messing around with bbPress way back when and it wasn’t the easiest animal to tame. Recently though bbPress has graduated to version 1.0 and is much easier to tame. Especially usefully is it’s built-in integration with WordPress. I have to admit that my first attempt at getting…

  • Playing with Faces and Places in iPhoto 09′

    I was very happy to have received my $10 copy of iLife in the mail yesterday from Apple. I purchased my new MacBook a few weeks back and that allowed me to upgrade to the new version for a mere $10. If you have purchased a Mac in the last…

  • The Evernote as a Blogging Tool Post Got Twittered

    It seems that my post about using Evernote as a tool for blogging has caused a little stir in the Evernote community. Yesterday I started getting emails from folks saying that using Everynote on the spot to take notes for blog posts later was a cool idea. They also mentioned…

  • Comments are Fixed

    Comments are fixed here at now. Sorry for the mixup.

  • A Quick Note to Comment Posters

    I have received several emails telling me that comments are not working properly here at I apologize for this as it is not intentional. It seems that the theme that I am using has issues if you require folks to login in order to post a comment. I will…