Category: Blog
Writely Starts Accepting User Registrations
Writely has finally begun to accept new user registration. They had stopped accepting registrations shortly after being acquired by Google. As soon as I heard I signed up because I had heard that you could post to blogs from Writely so I want to try it out.
Optimize Your CSS for Better SEO Results
Wow. You know the SEO arena is getting competitive when people start optimizing their CSS for SEO purposes. I was just really starting to understand the benefits of CSS over a table design. Anyway this is a really good article that compares some different CSS optimizers and publishes the results.…
SEO Glossary – Brush Up on Your Search Engine Marketing Terminology
Recently I was given the opportunity to manage someones Google Adwords Account. As I was getting more into looking at the different Campaigns and Adgroups I released that I did not know some of the terms that they were referencing. I started searching and I found this SEO Glossary that…
A Good PHP Tutorial Site
I am starting a new project at work that is requiring me to do some dynamic sites in PHP. I have not really worked with PHP in the past but have become more and more familiar with it by using WordPress. I have mostly worked with ASP in the past…
40 Different CSS Page Layout Site
Here is another resource that will help will CSS layout for a standard site or even a WordPress Blog template. It is Layout Gala and they have 40 different CSS layouts that are free to download. Their site can be found at Technorati : CSS, Layout, Web Design
Mindcomet Web Design Interactive Agency
I have across one of the nicest and best laid out Web Design Company web sites that I have seen in a long time – Mindcomet. They label themselves as an Interactive Agency which I think is very appropriate based on the presentation of their web site. You can tell…
Trailfire – Have Your Say on Any Web Page
Another cool concept in the Social Web has come out from a company named Trailfire. What Trailfire does is gives you a Firefox plug in that allows you to place your comments on any web site. With the plug in installed you are also able to view other people’s comments…
Free Flash Tutorial Make Learning Flash a Breeze
This is a great site for free Flash tutorials I have know about this web site for a while and finally figured that I would share it. It used to have a really nice flash video play where you could watch the videos but from the message on the page…
MindComet Generation Y Marketing Blog
I came across a blog today that is specific to marketing to Gen Y (that is generation Y which is obviously after generation X). They have some interesting posts including one outlining the frustrations that employers are having with the Y generation. Specifically, they stated home the Gen Y grads…