The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: Mac

  • Restoring iPhoto from a Time Machine Backup

    I am doing my first even restore from a Time Machine backup. The reason for the restore is that I messed up my MacBook iPhoto library trying to merge it with the one from my Mac Mini. I was using iPhoto Library Manager and instead of it following my instructions…

  • Blogging on My Mac with Windows 7 and Live Writer

    So I have taken to doing more blogging lately after a very long hiatus. As apart of my step back into blogging I did another search for desktop blogging applications that would work on the Mac as well as Windows Live Writer works on Windows. Unfortunately IMO there is still…

  • Blogging From Windows 7 in Parallels on the Mac

    This morning I was doing a fresh install of Windows XP in Parallels on my new MacBook and decided to go ahead and try to install Windows 7 on my iMac at the same time. At the time of writing this I have finished the install of Windows 7 but…

  • WordPress Releases Blogging Client for the iPhone

    Hot off the press – WordPress has released their blogging client for the iPhone. In fact I am typing this post on my iPhone right now. I have been waiting for this since the iPhone 2.0 firmware release when Typepad released their blogging client. I downloaded it but never used…

  • My iPhone 1.1.1 Update Went Smooth – is Gone

    I decided to take the leap and update my iPhone to the latest 1.1.1. update. I knew that it was going to kill and all of the goodies that I had down loaded with it. That wasn’t small price to pay though as I am convinced that all those…

  • I Dumped My Dell with Vista for a Mac Mini

    It is official. I have replaced my Dell Dimension that is sporting the latest and greatest OS from Microsoft (Vista) for a Mac. As you may know I have been using a MacBook at work for the last 2 months and have really liked it. I was messing around with…

  • McAfee VirusScan Killed My MacBook

    Man, it just took me over an hour to figure out why my MacBook would not get past the login screen. Part of that was trying to figure out how to boot into safe mode on OS X. The whole reason for the stall out of my machine was the…

  • The More I Use OS X, The More I Hate Vista

    God, I think I am becoming a fanboy. But it is true, I prefer OS X over Windows Vista ssssssoooooo much. Why? Because it work without all the little stupid stuff that windows does. Here are a couple of the big things that I have noticed: First, on my windows…

  • Image Manager for WordPress 2.1+

    As you know I have been searching hign and low for a Desktop Blog Editor for Mac that works half way decent. I recently tried Ecto but was not impressed. The biggest item that has been missing from all the Blog Editors is the ability to resize images easily within…