The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: Internet

  • The Browser War Takes a New Turn – IE vs Firefox

    Well within the last week both Microsoft and Mozilla has launched the latest versions of their browsers – Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2.0. The differences that I have noticed in both of the new browsers is minimal. Internet Explorer now offers tabbed browsing, some CSS fixes, and some anti-phishing…

  • Apogee Pay Per Click Campaign Services

    I have mentioned this company before and their SEO services but that is only a small piece of the pie that they offer. They also manage Pay Per click Campaigns too. The company name is Apogee and they are located right here in Austin, TX (along with me 🙂 ).…

  • Internet Marketing Podcasts Available from MindComet

    I visited another one of MindComet’s site this morning which specifically provides marketing podcast. I listed to one of the podcasts that focused on generating revenue from RSS. As an avid blogger I was interested as I am always looking for new streams to generate revenue from my sites. The…

  • Better Adsense Results with Ontok Highlighter

    As I mention in this post – The Adsense Cleansing is Complete – I removed all of the Adsense from the template of my blog because it was ugly and really intrusive. Also I really was not making an money on it. Well the same day that I removed the…

  • Writely Starts Accepting User Registrations

    Writely has finally begun to accept new user registration. They had stopped accepting registrations shortly after being acquired by Google. As soon as I heard I signed up because I had heard that you could post to blogs from Writely so I want to try it out.

  • SEO Glossary – Brush Up on Your Search Engine Marketing Terminology

    Recently I was given the opportunity to manage someones Google Adwords Account. As I was getting more into looking at the different Campaigns and Adgroups I released that I did not know some of the terms that they were referencing. I started searching and I found this SEO Glossary that…

  • A Good PHP Tutorial Site

    I am starting a new project at work that is requiring me to do some dynamic sites in PHP. I have not really worked with PHP in the past but have become more and more familiar with it by using WordPress. I have mostly worked with ASP in the past…

  • Mindcomet Web Design Interactive Agency

    I have across one of the nicest and best laid out Web Design Company web sites that I have seen in a long time – Mindcomet. They label themselves as an Interactive Agency which I think is very appropriate based on the presentation of their web site. You can tell…

  • Trailfire – Have Your Say on Any Web Page

    Another cool concept in the Social Web has come out from a company named Trailfire. What Trailfire does is gives you a Firefox plug in that allows you to place your comments on any web site. With the plug in installed you are also able to view other people’s comments…