The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Category: Blog Desktop Clients

  • Test Post From Flock Blog Editor

    Here there. This is just a test post from the Flock blog editor. The reason for the test is that I am looking for a blog editor to go on my MacBook. I currently use Window Live Writer on Windows but it does not work on OS X (of course).…

  • Testing Windows Live Writer with WordPress 2.1

    I got a following email from Microsoft on whether the issue that I was having with uploading images was resolved with the latest version of WordPress. I am happy to say that the image to the right was uploaded via the xmlrpc.php as opposed to the FTP option that Window…

  • Zoundry Launches Blog Writer 2.0 Blog

    One on my favorite Desktop Blog Editors is Zoundry has just launched a development blog for their version 2 (code name “Raven”) blog writer. The idea of the blog is to create some buzz about their next generation blog writer and to get other developers to start creating plugins to…

  • Live Writer Works with

    Ok, so I tried uploading an image to this morning and now it works – kind of weird. Maybe was having an issue. I am now testing Windows Live Writer with this blog and uploading images because I was having image upload issues here. This is my official…

  • Microsoft Responds to Windows Live Writer Issue

    I have received a response to my post – Windows Live Writer = Love / Hate – where I talked about the issues that I as having uploading images via xmlrpc to I was really surprised and totally stoked that 1.) they are out there seeing what people say about WLR,…

  • Web Based Blogging Clients

    So about 6 months to a year ago I was really big on using Blog Desktop Clients as opposed to the web based back ends that were included in most blogging software. In an attempt to not blog from work as much I installed the desktop clients that I used…

  • Windows Live Writer Flickr Plug-in Test

    So there are already some plug-ins coming out which are nice. The Technorati plug-in moved the Live Writer to a state that I can use it now – which I will. This post though is to test this new Flickr plug-in.

  • Writely Starts Accepting User Registrations

    Writely has finally begun to accept new user registration. They had stopped accepting registrations shortly after being acquired by Google. As soon as I heard I signed up because I had heard that you could post to blogs from Writely so I want to try it out.

  • Test Post from Microsoft Word 2007

    This is a test post from Microsoft Word 2007 Beta. I had seen an article saying that you can now use Word 2007 as a blog editor. Unfortunately I had to post this as a draft because you cannot select the category in the Beta Version. Also, I entered the…