The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Author: Dan

  • Alotta H2O Website

    A website that utilized my own custom CMS system for web-based updates. The CMS was coded via classic .ASP with an SQL backend. The site can be visited here –

  • Playing with Faces and Places in iPhoto 09′

    I was very happy to have received my $10 copy of iLife in the mail yesterday from Apple. I purchased my new MacBook a few weeks back and that allowed me to upgrade to the new version for a mere $10. If you have purchased a Mac in the last…

  • Blogging From Windows 7 in Parallels on the Mac

    This morning I was doing a fresh install of Windows XP in Parallels on my new MacBook and decided to go ahead and try to install Windows 7 on my iMac at the same time. At the time of writing this I have finished the install of Windows 7 but…

  • 2009 State of the Small Time Blogger Address

    Well 2009 is upon us and everyone is doing their 2008 roll ups and 2009 predictions. I thought I would chime in with what I saw in 2008 and what I am expecting in 2009 and beyond. The idano Blog Network consists of around 15 blogs that spans various topics…

  • WordPress 2.7 Released!

    Wow! That was quick. I just installed RC2 yesterday and now the official release was pushd out today. I have updated all on my sites and the update went really smooth. Congrats to the WordPress 2.7 development team!

  • Playing With WordPress 2.7

    I have installed WordPress 2.7 in a couple places and have begun to play with. I have to say that I really like the new interface. It has a really good feel to it and reminds me of when I used to run MovableType back in the day. I still…

  • New Respect for Windows Vista

    My brother-in-law text me yesterday asking if I could come by his house and take a look at his computer since it was acting up again. I went by his house and both DVD drives had died on his 6 year old Sony Vaio desktop. I convinced him to go…

  • The Evernote as a Blogging Tool Post Got Twittered

    It seems that my post about using Evernote as a tool for blogging has caused a little stir in the Evernote community. Yesterday I started getting emails from folks saying that using Everynote on the spot to take notes for blog posts later was a cool idea. They also mentioned…

  • Comments are Fixed

    Comments are fixed here at now. Sorry for the mixup.