The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Author: Dan

  • Still Trying to Troubleshoot FeedWordPress Issues

    Unfortunately the last few updates to the FeedWordPress plugin have not fixed the issues that I have been having. What is going on is that the meta data is not being pulled in to the individual posts when automatically searching for feeds and therefore it is not linking back to…

  • AT&T Comes Out with Their U-Verse iPhone App

    I have loved AT&T U-verse from day one. I I have loved my 3 iPhones. Today the two have come together in a match made in heaven via the U-Verse TV iPhone app. The U-verse TV iPhone app allows you to control your U-Verse DVR from your iPhone from anywhere.…

  • Why I Really Like WordPress 2.8

    I have been slowly updating the sites that run WordPress over the last week or so and have started to really love WordPress 2.8. The reason for this sudden burst of affection are a couple of new features that version 2.8 introduced. The first feature that I really like is…

  • iPhone 3GS – I Got MY New Baby

    I was going to wait until my birthday in July but the wife gave the go ahead to get my new Iphone 3GS this morning – so I did. I was fortunate to get to the AT&T store near me when I did because the place had a constant stream…

  • iPhone Firmware 3.0 Installed and I’m Liking It

    It took a few hours but I finally got through to the authentication servers to update my iPhone to the 3.0 firmware. The process took about 15 minutes total and went without a hitch. The first thing that I noticed when starting up was the new Voice Memos icon on…

  • Fail: iPhone 3.0 Activation Servers Down 🙁

    I was super excited to see that the iPhone 3.0 software was out so I ran home to update my phone. The download happened nice and fast which was cool but when I actually tried to install the update this is what I got: Bum deal. I guess this is…

  • FeedWordPress – One Step Closer to Fixing My Problem

    So I posted the issue that I am having about the automatic update not pulling in the meta data for each post over on the official FeedWordPress site. I haven’t received a reply yet but in all fairness it is a free plugin so I would not necessarily expect to…

  • FeedWordPress Problems – It’s Got to Be Me, Not You

    I have been using the plugin FeedWordPress for quite a while now to aggregate all of the feeds for all on my sites together into a single feed. From there I take that feed and then repost it back on each site. This way I get some cool cross-pollination between…

  • WordPress 2.8 Release – Looking Good

    Last night WordPress 2.8 was released and I updated the website to check it out. The installation went without a hitch through the automatic upgrade process and from what I can tell nothing broke on my site. notes that the new items that were apart of this release…