The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Author: Dan

  • Nailing Down Slow Performance in WordPress

    Going over the reasons why WordPress may be running slow. Includes checking your plugins, setting up caching, and looking at your web host.

  • Switching from Buxfer to PocketMoney for iPhone

    I have been a long time user of Buxfer and have generally pleased with there online checkbook service. I never used the account sync feature that they offered (similar to Mint’s) because I like to keep my own balance verses the bank. Lately I had been noticing that both their…

  • The Easy Way to Integrate WordPress and bbPress

    I had tried messing around with bbPress way back when and it wasn’t the easiest animal to tame. Recently though bbPress has graduated to version 1.0 and is much easier to tame. Especially usefully is it’s built-in integration with WordPress. I have to admit that my first attempt at getting…

  • My New Best Friend – CurvyCorners

    If you have been doing web design for any period of time you have run up against the classic question – How do I make rounded corners without images for the website I am working on? There have been a lot of hacks out there and they all have their…

  • Switching from Blinksale to Zoho Invoice

    I am making another switch in my life. This time I am switching from Blinksale to Zoho Invoice. The reason for this switch is because I currently have a free account with Blinksale that gives me 3 free invoices a month and this month I needed more invoices. Normally in…

  • Restoring iPhoto from a Time Machine Backup

    I am doing my first even restore from a Time Machine backup. The reason for the restore is that I messed up my MacBook iPhoto library trying to merge it with the one from my Mac Mini. I was using iPhoto Library Manager and instead of it following my instructions…

  • I’m Leaving Mozy for Jungle Disk

    I have finally come to my wits end with Mozy. This time it was me logging into my account and seeing that my Mac Mini only had 80GB backed up as opposed to the 500GB it was supposed to. After some digging it seemed that it wasn’t backing up my…

  • I Think Google Chrome Killed My WordPress Blog

    I have been using Google Chrome on my MacBook for the last few months and have been happy with it – up until about a week ago. About a week ago it seemed that it started to run slower especially when I was in the admin section of a WordPress…

  • Blogging on My Mac with Windows 7 and Live Writer

    So I have taken to doing more blogging lately after a very long hiatus. As apart of my step back into blogging I did another search for desktop blogging applications that would work on the Mac as well as Windows Live Writer works on Windows. Unfortunately IMO there is still…