The Personal Site of Dan Masters

Author: Dan

  • Page Rank 6 – What Can I Do With It?

    So here I am with this blog that has a smokin’ Page Rank 6 from Google. I know, I know, people say that page rank does not mean anything. OK, OK, sure buddy, all I know is that I get more money from Text Link Ads for page rank 6…

  • Mini Bell Hughes 300 Helicopter Review – Moved

    I have decided to move this review to a new site that I have created – Micro RC Reviews. It is the same review that I has here so you won’t be missing anything by going over there. Check it out! Technorati tags: Mini Hughes 300 Helicopter, Mini Dragonfly Helicopter,…

  • Another Change in Focus for – I Really Don’t Know

    This poor blog. It really does not have a home (subject). It started as my personal site back in the days before I had kids and then became a family blog. The family blog got pushed to its own domain so this became homeless again. From there I was all…

  • Text Links Ads – Cleaning Up The Code for Prime Time

    I just got done doing a round of maintenance on the various blogs that I have. The main reason for the work was that I had been approved to sell links on those blogs through Text Link Ads. The real work in adding the link code was cleaning up the…

  • I Am Reduced to Using Live Writer in Parallels to Blog

    I really have not been doing very much blogging lately as I have not found a desktop blog editor that works as well as Windows Live Writer for Mac. I have to tell you that I have really been disappointed. What I have done in order to try and get…

  • I Dumped My Dell with Vista for a Mac Mini

    It is official. I have replaced my Dell Dimension that is sporting the latest and greatest OS from Microsoft (Vista) for a Mac. As you may know I have been using a MacBook at work for the last 2 months and have really liked it. I was messing around with…

  • McAfee VirusScan Killed My MacBook

    Man, it just took me over an hour to figure out why my MacBook would not get past the login screen. Part of that was trying to figure out how to boot into safe mode on OS X. The whole reason for the stall out of my machine was the…

  • The More I Use OS X, The More I Hate Vista

    God, I think I am becoming a fanboy. But it is true, I prefer OS X over Windows Vista ssssssoooooo much. Why? Because it work without all the little stupid stuff that windows does. Here are a couple of the big things that I have noticed: First, on my windows…

  • Image Manager for WordPress 2.1+

    As you know I have been searching hign and low for a Desktop Blog Editor for Mac that works half way decent. I recently tried Ecto but was not impressed. The biggest item that has been missing from all the Blog Editors is the ability to resize images easily within…