The Personal Site of Dan Masters

WordPress Desktop Client Search – Zoundry Review

My recent post WordPress Desktop Client Search got a few comments back in which it was suggested that I try Zoundry a new Desktop Client that is in it’s beta stage. The link that was provide was to a forum entry on the Zoundry Website which listed the features in their most recent beta release.

These were the features that were listed –

  1. Spell checking.
  2. XHTML source code editing.
  3. Support for language localization.
  4. More clean up code for Microsoft Office MS Word content (cut and paste should now work).
  5. Bug fixes.
  6. Validation tools.
  7. Find/Replace (in WYSIWYG and XHTML editor)
  8. Extended entry markers MovableType and WordPress API.

After seeing the above list I decided to download Zoundry and give it a shot.

From the get-go I was excited with everything that was included while this product was still in beta. To me it seemed far more complete in beta then a lot of the other products that I test that were in their first or second release.

To test out this product I am writing this post with Zoundry so I can test the feature that are important to me.

So first is the list test –

  • Here is item 1
    • Tab did not work to indent this but the Increase Indent button did
  • The Decrease Indent button got my back out here

The backspace button got my out of the list and to this paragraph. I guess maybe that is a standard thing to have the indent keys control bullets but I still would rather have the tab key work like Microsoft Word.

zoundry80x15.pngNext will be the image test. I posted the image to the right with the settings for images set to use WordPress style of image management. I like the fact that you can use either WordPress’ way of handling things or ftp. None of the other clients that I tested were able to do both.

Zoundry Blog WriterThis image I used their drag and drop ability to add a photo. The only thing with adding images either way is that I was used to the way that most of the other editors dealt with images. The other editors would pop-up a window so you could edit the properties of the image. With Zoundry it was a simple right click and then selecting the picture properties on the menu.

I have to say that I like the options that are available under the picture’s properties. This offers the ability to add a class to the picture and the options for margins for the top, right, bottom, and left of the picture. It is obvious that these attributes are being added via CSS which I think is very cool.

Spell check worked as it should and there is a setting to automatically check your post before you publish it.

At first I thought that the ability to post as a draft was missing but it is actually an option when you hit the post button. Also, the posting section has a lot of options available to it like adding Technorati, Del.ici.ous, and Flickr tags (which are automatically added to the bottom of the post, my WordPress plug-in would put them at the bottom of the page). It also has a full list of services to ping along with the ability to add track backs.

It has been mentioned that Flickr support will be added before the official release.

Another note is the template ability for the preview section. This is amazing! At first I tried to follow their directions in the help section but was not getting very far with getting the styles from my blog to display. Then, I did a search on their forum and found this post which got me previewing like it was a page on my site in less then 5 minutes. Awesome job Zoundry!

With that I have to say that I have found a new desktop client – Zoundry – and it’s free! Great job Zoundry. To me, it seems that you have taken all the good of all the other editors, removed the bad from them, and then put them together in this excellent BETA build.

This desktop client does all the things that I wanted and needed and adds a several features that are icing on the cake. This truly takes the work out of getting a post on your blog and lets you focus on the content. With this product I actually feel comfortable posting directly to my blogs without having to preview the post in WordPress first.

I will post more updates about my experience with Zoundry especially after their release.

Technorati : , ,


17 responses to “WordPress Desktop Client Search – Zoundry Review”

  1. Balki Avatar

    Thanks for pointing out the beta release. I have been using the beta release for couple weeks now and I love it.
    You wrote a pretty awsome review yourself!

  2. Lawsy Avatar

    I was holding off trying this from the description on the website, I thought this was more aimed at posting adverts and affiliate links. Such as the amazon affiliate service.

    I will give it a go being open minded I am expecting something good. Could this take the throne from trusty BlogJet?

  3. Dan Avatar

    The Zoundry Desktop Client is their way to promote their affiliate program but it is completely transparent. The only reference that I see to it is one button in the header next to the regular “add link” button. It is not in your face.

    I honestly have not even looked into their program because I haven’t been forced to (and actually forgot they had it).

    I just got a Google Adsense account and was planning on putting a few ads on the site, but I may look into how their program works first (it would be my way of supporting them so they can make the Desktop Client better).

    In regards to you comment about Blogjet – Zoundry is in BETA and in my opinion already a comparable product to BlogJet and Zoundry is DEFINATELY a better value (Free vs $50).

  4. Keith Avatar

    I just finished my initial test of Zoundry version 0.9 – Build 145.
    You can see it here:
    Zoundry Test and Review

    It seems to have a few small quarks. Nothing major, except one.

  5. […] Following all the recent discussion about offline blog editors, I thought I would give Zoundry a pop, following a recommendation that appeared in my comments from Dan Masters. It’s another free one, and I’m using version 1.0.18 to write this post. […]

  6. […] I have been checking which pages are indexed ( on a regular basis lately because this site has an all new structure and layout. As of yesterday Google’s cache had my Zoundry review at the top of the home page with my old theme so it was still a little behind. […]

  7. Eric Avatar

    Hey thanks for the positive review! We have just released a new build (and it’s even officially on the main download page now, so you don’t have to hit the forums to get it).

    This is build 1.0.23 (still beta). Mostly bug fixes and whatnot. Build 23 can be considered Release Candidate 1 for us – so we are very close to a final release of 1.0, but we just want to make sure it’s really solid before we leave “Beta”. That is the purpose of Beta, after all (something I think many software developers lose sight of).

    Anyway, thanks again for the comments and we hope you continue to use and enjoy the application.

    PS: we have much more planned for the Blog Writer, so keep watching us for new versions!

  8. Dan Avatar


    Thanks for the update about the new build. I have downloaded it and will be testing it out during the next few days.

  9. Dmitry Chestnykh Avatar

    a comparable product to BlogJet and Zoundry is DEFINATELY a better value (Free vs $50).

    Wow, where did you find BlogJet for this price? 🙂

  10. Dan Avatar

    I guess I miss quoted myself. BlogJet is actually $39.95. Thanks for the catch.

    Dmitry – did you ever get my e-mail about wanting to re-review BlogJet and possibly an interview?

    Actually I just saw the e-mail from you. I will give it a whirl and have a review up in a few days. Thanks! – Dan

  11. […] After about an hour of testing out various apps like w.bloggar, BlogJet, WbEditor, I came across an article on Dan Master’s blog (idano): WordPress Desktop Client Search – Zoundry Review. I’m in the process of testing it out right now and in fact this post is written and formatted in Zoundry. So far it seems to work as advertised and I found a couple little pleasant surprises like the preview using your own custom template; saving/storing of unpublished drafts locally (as opposed to WP’s drafts); Post Tagging; and a slew of other nice formatting features. I think the biggest thing for me at this point is the accelerator keys for the different formatting options like creating links or turning existing text into a hyperlink. Even some of the more familiar accelerator keys for bold or italics are available. Little things like that make it much more pleasant to write. […]

  12. […] This is a test post using the blogging desktop client Zoundry . Its a free client for blogging I found while browsing for one and I came across this blog post . So far it looks and acts great and of course “Free!”. you can read more about it in the same blog post .Time for me to go mess with XNA and Microsoft Robotics. bye bye! […]

  13. […] haven’t played with images, but this guy did and you can read what he said. It looks like it has a great interface for […]

  14. […] on my ideas of blogging editor I stumbled upon various reviews of existing blogging clients. One of them caught my eye, so I ventured ahead and downloaded Zoundry – free blogging client. I am attempting […]

  15. […] like w.bloggar, BlogJet, WbEditor, I came across an article on Dan Master’s blog (idano): WordPress Desktop Client Search – Zoundry Review. I’m in the process of testing it out right now and in fact this post is written and […]

  16. […] irrespective of having an internet connection. I’d been looking for an off-line client, and Masters’ review persuaded me to try it out. Masters’ piece actually predates a new version called Zoundry […]

  17. […] haven’t played with images, but this guy did and you can read what he said. It looks like it has a great interface for […]